We are currently seeing both emergency and elective procedures.
Here are our current office policies/updates:
- All patients will be required to wear a mask while in the building.
- Only one additional person is allowed in per patient.
- Temperatures will be taken for all people entering the building.
- Paperwork is required to be completed 48 hours in advance: here
Our check in process has also been revamped.
- Please wait in your car for someone to screen you.
- All patients will be asked COVID screening questions and temperatures will be taken.
We appreciate your help in making this a smooth transition. As our regulations change, we will be sure to keep you updated.
Kansas City Dental Implants and Oral Surgery is continually monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the world at present. We are monitoring the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Dental Association (ADA), American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), our state dental societies, as well as other organizations for the latest and most up-to-date information regarding this disease and its potential impact on our patients and team members. These changes are quite fluid and we have made adjustments to our practice as mandated by these governing entities.
We are following the guidelines of only treating emergency patients. All elective procedures have been postponed. Our goal has always been that the “Needs of the Patient Come First”. We clearly continue to honor this, but must also act in the safest manner possible so as to minimize the threat of this disease and it’s spread to other patients, our staff and our communities.
Restriction of procedures, in regard to patient management, is an effort to mitigate this risk. Additionally, it allows conservation of valuable resources that may be more useful for patients requiring hospitalization and their respective healthcare providers managing their care.
We feel it is very important and support the governing bodies approach to continue to treat patients with emergent problems. This provides a valuable service by addressing the patient’s problem and keeping them out of the emergency room so that providers can focus care and resources on the patient’s suffering from COVID-19. Clearly this can have some degree of interpretation from both the patient and doctor perspective. Those patients that present with significant oral-facial pain, infection or potential for a significant alteration to their health, as it relates to these problems, will be evaluated and managed accordingly to our standard best practice. The treating doctor has the sole discretion to determine what would be best for each individual patient. Our team will continue to screen patients accordingly for known COVID-19 risk factors. We continually decontaminate all areas of the office and utilize the appropriate personal protective equipment during management of all emergent cases.
Various website links from governing bodies are listed below:
Given the recent guidelines issued from the ADA, Kansas City Dental Implants & Oral Surgery has made a decision to temporarily put our elective procedures on hold. We want to ensure that we are readily available to treat all urgent cases. Any patient with pain, swelling, or experiencing an active infection is considered an urgent case.
Our practice hours remain the same. Should we need to change our availability for any reason, our team will notify you. You can also visit our website, at any time, for our most up-to-date hours.
Thank you for your continued support as we work together during this unprecedented time. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact our team with any questions
Kansas City Dental Implants & Oral Surgery is committed to providing a safe environment for our patients and team members. With the increase in Coronavirus diagnoses, we are taking extraordinary measures to protect the health of our patients and employees while maintaining business as usual. We are monitoring the situation daily and referring to current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control “CDC”, OSHA, and the World Health Organization, among other sources and guidelines. We are committed to reassessing the situation and adjusting our plans accordingly, as needed.
Kansas City Dental Implants & Oral Surgery is currently taking the following measures of precaution:
- Enhanced patient screening both on the phone and upon entering our facilities
- Increased Infectious control measures including, but not limited to:
- Increased frequency of cleaning, hand washing, and sanitization
- Monitoring of patients for temperature or other symptoms
- Best practice health tips have been shared with our team members and we continue to update them daily
While we continue to serve our patients, we anticipate no impact to our service at this time. Kansas City Dental Implants & Oral Surgery is confident that we have the protocols in place to ensure our team members and patients are safe. We have increased channels of communication, and as always, prioritize the safety and health of our patients.